Dear Someone-i-dont-wanna-care-nomore

Denying my feeling and running far far away from you, are the best things i can do now. I cant hold onto my heart anymore. My desire is, to be able your very good friend, wish i could i can hear all of your story, to feel what you feel, your pain and your happiness. I was pretending i can handle and control all of this shit thing. I though i was strong enough. But i guess i was wrong. No more pretending, it's so exhausting. So sorry, i can't pretending to be your friend, but also i don't wanna be your enemy. So, please just get off of my sight, of my mind. I'm running away now, and hope you won't came to find me. But it won't take forever, you just don't have to worry me. Maybe someday (i hope soon), when my heart get better than today, i am the one who will came to you, to ask you to be my friend. I'll be just fine with my own, don't worry me, and take care yourself, be happy with your life, with your own. And, see you again.

1 komentar:

Anonymous said...

y udh djadiin pelajaraan aja..

gw yakin, lo bhak dpt yg lebih dr dia (kyk gw tau aja "dia")..

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